Greetings from Charleston, South Carolina, our new hometown. Yes, I have moved from the idyllic Santa Barbara, home for most of the years from 1981 to 2020. Spock-like logic fueled the decision to locate in a more affordable town with grandkids nearby. We now have a beautiful home on James Island situated adjacent to a small pond full of wildlife.
Charleston is a lifestyle town somewhat like Santa Barbara. Music, the arts and an active food scene are activities we are looking forward to enjoying. We have two "favorite" restaurants already. Lewis is a Texas-style BBQ with the best prime brisket I have ever had. Order the slice from the fat side! Oh yes, great sides of slaw, beans and potato salad. Walk up to the carving station, get your meat cut to order and grab a beverage. The kitchen showcases a line of imposing BBQ Smokers. They look like propane tanks repurposed as smokers. Come hungry.
Our other find is an oyster bar-restaurant on King Street called The Darling Oyster Bar. Impeccably fresh oysters are popped open as you wait. They do a very decent clam chowder with fresh clams, chunks of potatoes and a not-too-thick cream base.
As we get settled and the world moves to a new normal, we will be exploring the culinary points of interest and sharing them on my blog.
Tastefully, Chef Michael Hutchings